Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 182 / 2 / 2021


  • 1
    Defense Scientific Reserve Creating: System for Planning and Organizing Research
    Authors: V.Yu. Korchak, Innovative Technology Center of the Scientific Policy Complex, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Prof. Dr., Full Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAS), korchak.v@mail.ru
    Without advanced development of fundamental, predictive and exploratory research, it is impossible to effectively solve problems in the field of national defense and state security. The long-term practice of organizing and planning FPE shows that they rightfully occupy a worthy place in the overall system of conducting defense research. Almost all the most authoritative and highly scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, higher education and industry are involved in the implementation of the defense FPER. At the same time, an indispensable condition for the formation of an integral defense scientific reserve is the presence of an effective system for planning and organizing research. The role of fundamental, predictive and exploratory research in creating a defense scientific and technical reserve is considered. We describe the main stages of planning and organizing research to create a scientific reserve in the field of national defense and state security. Organizational measures related to improving the efficiency of the process of conducting fundamental and exploratory research and implementing their results are proposed.

    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-03-11

  • 2
    Metrological Assurance of Veterinary Laboratories in Republic of Bashkortostan
    Authors: M.I. Biryukov, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), center.71@mail.ru 
    A.M. Galiullina, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. PhD 
    E.V. Safin, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Sc.) 
    O.V. Gvay, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS
    We considered the issues of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in veterinary laboratories. It is considered that metrological assurance of measurement reliability is one of the conditions for the technical competence of veterinary diagnostic laboratories and laboratories of veterinary and sanitary expertise. In the modern world, the problem of ensuring high product quality is closely related to the problem of measurement quality: where the quality of measurements does not meet the requirements of the technological process, it is impossible to achieve a high level of product quality. Consequently, quality assurance is highly dependent on successfully addressing issues related to measurement accuracy. The development of agriculture is impossible without the improvement of metrology in this area, since the role of measurements in the production of agricultural products and the food industry is constantly growing. In this regard, we have provided a recommended list of measuring instruments and the indicators determined by them, which are used in the practice of veterinary laboratories, subject to state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements.

    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-12-18

  • 3
    Providing Quality of Products by Identification of Personnel Actions at Stages of the Life Cycle
    Authors: L.A. Redko, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Assoc. Prof. PhD, la_redko@list.ru 
    A.E. Satsuta, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, satsuta.a@mail.ru M.N. Yanushevskaya1 , Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, PhD, vela2007@bk.ru
    Ensuring the quality of food products currently remains an important and still unresolved issue, we believе. Today, it is possible to guarantee quality and safety. This can be achieved by implementing the basic principles and elements of the food safety management system, as well as integrated management systems. Although the requirements for HACCP are set out in the regulatory documents, there is a practical task of combining these requirements into a single system that includes processes and algorithms of actions that are understandable to the organization’s staff. In this paper, we prove that various methods and approaches can be used to organize a traceability system. RF Government is implementing a strategy to create a unified information system of traceability of food products. We are sure, this determines the significance of the traceability system at the national level. The unified state information resource will allow you to track food products at all stages of their production and sale. 

    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-19-25

  • 4
    Lean Production in the Activities of an Educational Organization
    Authors: M.V. Davydova, Polytechnic Institute of Kurgan State University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Sc.), m.v.davydova@mail.ru 
    A.M. Mikhalev, Kurgan State University, PhD, DrDrew@mail.ru 
    N.M. Safonova, Polytechnic Institute of Kurgan State University, safonova.natalia_mih@mail.ru
    We believe that there is a significant difference in the cost structure of the production site and the office division. Methods that work effectively in the production department, in office activities are often ineffective. It is necessary, understanding the specifics and ideology of the concept of Lean production, to create and implement new methods to minimize or eliminate losses. We identified losses in the activities of a division of an educational organization of the dean’s office type, proposed their classification (typing), identified and recorded typical examples of losses by group. Then we picked up the tools of Lean production to minimize or eliminate losses in an office business processes. It turned out that to eliminate or minimize losses in the work of the dean’s office in 90% of cases, the introduction of five tools is enough. The results of our research confirm the effectiveness of Lean production tools, the need for their implementation for continuous improvement of organizations’ activities, increasing their stability and competitiveness. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-26-31

  • 5
    Methodology for Assessing the Quality of Processes of Technical Service Enterprises
    Authors: O.A. Leonov1 , FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev (FSBEI HE RSAU — MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev), Prof. Dr., oaleonov@rgau-msha.ru N.Zh. Shkaruba1 , FSBEI HE RSAU — MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev, Dr. (Sc.), shkaruba@rgau-msha.ru G.N. Temasova2 , FSBEI HE RSAU — MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev, PhD (Ec.), temasova@rgau-msha.ru Ju.G. Vergazova2 , FSBEI HE RSAU — MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev, PhD (Sc.), vergazova@rgau-msha.ru
    The article discusses the methodology for assessing the quality of processes of maintenance enterprises. The proposed methodology makes it possible to evaluate unit quality indicators and the total weighted average indicator of the process quality. Based on the results of assessing the quality of processes, priority quality indicators are determined, which will need to be improved or adjusted. By regularly evaluating processes, an organization can track and evaluate quality performance over time, which will allow the development of measures to improve the efficiency of processes. The quality assessment of the process according to the proposed method was carried out using the example of body repair, but this method is universal and can be used to assess the quality of other processes of enterprises for maintenance and repair.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-32-38

  • 6
    Qualimetric Assessment Method of the Sea Beaches Quality Services of Sevastopol
    Authors: M.N. Belaya, Sevastopol State University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Sc.), belaya_079@mail.ru 
    M. Korshunova, Sevastopol Telecom Joint-Stock Company, marinapivtorac@yandex.ua
    We offer you an algorithm for the qualimetric evaluation of the quality indicators of sea beach services. Using the results of research and the data of a social survey conducted to identify the desires and preferences of the consumer, we have developed a method of qualimetric assessment of the quality of services of sea beaches (for example, the beaches of the city of Sevastopol). The development of the methodology included the following steps: description of the object which applies the technique; the definition of the target group; description of the situation of assessment stating the purpose; the formation of a group of participants in the development of a technique; definition of the nomenclature of quality indicators; selection of the evaluation scale; establishment of normalized values of quality indicators; determination of the level of quality of services of sea beaches. It is important to note that currently there is no regulatory framework for performing procedures for evaluating the quality of sea beach services based on scientifically based nominal and limit values of quality indicators, which is a disadvantage of the process of evaluating the quality of sea beach services. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-39-48

  • 7
    Safety of Operations in Arctic Zone: Development of Scientific and Methodological Basis and Standards
    Authors: N.M. Kuprikov, ANO Scientific Information Center (SIC) Polar Initiative, Ph.D (Sc.), kuprikov@russinapolar.ru 
    D.O. Doronin, ANO SIC Polar Initiative 
    A.I. Ekimov, ANO SIC Polar Initiative 
    E.M. Kuprikova, ANO SIC Polar Initiative 
    Yu.A. Serov, ANO SIC Polar Initiative
    The development of Russia without further development of the Arctic is unthinkable. Therefore, we need to accept and build the right relationship between man and nature and the inhabitants of this harsh land, especially with the polar bear. In article we raise a new and urgent topic for Russia — the development of tourism infrastructure and our vision on the development of the system of tourist information signs is presented. We analyzed the recommendations developed under the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences academician V.V. Rozhnov, the purpose of which is to ensure the safety of residents of this region. These recommendations can be used to prevent conflict situations between humans and polar bears in places of permanent or temporary residence of people in the Arctic, as well as in the development of draft national standards in the field of Arctic tourism: GOST R Arctic tourism. Information signs of the navigation system in the field of tourism. General requirements and GOST R Arctic tourism. Prevention of conflict situations between humans and polar bears in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Requirements. The projects are expected to be approved this year.

    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-2-49-53


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