Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 192 / 2 / 2022


  • 1
    Methods for Optimizing the Process of Transition to New Technology for High-Tech Products
    Authors: А.V. Leonov, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute of RF Defense Ministry, Prof. Dr., alex.clein51@yandex.ru 
    А.Yu. Pronin, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute of RF Defense Ministry, Assoc. Prof. PhD, pronin46@bk.ru
    In the article we have considered the methods for optimizing the transition from traditional technology to a new one in the face of uncertainty about the progress of its development, as well as the scope of these methods in justifying the creation of promising science-intensive industrial products. In order to do this, we have used the general model of technology development and modern methods of their evaluation. We have found out that the arsenal of methods for optimizing the process of transition to a new technology in conditions of uncertainty of information about the course of its development allows us to consider possible directions for using these methods in justifying the creation of promising products of high-tech industrial products. Optimization methods allow you to choose the desired method and formalize it for the joint use of existing and new technologies (including artificial intelligence technologies) in the design of high-tech industrial products; to solve problems related to assessment the level of modernization (unification) of complex equipment, taking into account the relationship between its modernization and unification potentials. Thus, it is possible to increase the sustainability of the economic dynamics of the creation of high-tech products in government programs, manage and predict them, taking into account possible risks. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-03-11

  • 2
    Methodology for Assessing the Reliability of an Electric Generator Set With a Gasoline Engine
    Authors: M.V. Kapitonov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Km7571@yandex.ru
    I have reviewed the methodology for assessing the reliability of an electric generator set with a gasoline engine, such indicators as reliability; maintainability; durability; persistence. The assessment of the compliance of the product with the requirements for reliability is carried out by the calculation-experimental method using statistical data obtained from the results of factory, autonomous and integrated tests. The maintainability of electric generators is understood as the suitability of the systems and units included in it to maintain and restore operability during repair and maintenance. The durability is the ability to maintain operability until the limit state occurs in the presence of maintenance and repair, and the storability is the ability of the product to perform the required functions during and after storage. The determination of reliability indicators is carried out by methods of the statistical theory of reliability. Quantitative reliability analysis is based on the statistical parameters of reliability, determined by the results of testing and operation of products. Based on its results, the quantitative indicators of the reliability of newly developed products are evaluated and corrected.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-12-16

  • 3
    Integral Criterion of the Project’s Effectiveness in an Automotive Component Production Preparing
    Authors: S.V. Kas’yanov, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), SVKasyanov@kpfu.ru 
    R.K. Nabieva, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, regina.nabieva@list.ru
    We believe that in a market economy, the development prospects of a car company are determined by the ability to launch APQP projects to prepare for the production of new components. At the same time, the enterprise assumes all responsibility for planning sales volumes, forecasting price changes. Many managers react only to the facts of losses detection and seek to eliminate them promptly. However, losses are the result of errors in the production preparation. The more they are allowed, the higher the probability of non-conformities appearing soon after the start of deliveries. As an integrated performance indicator of the production system of the APQP project, we propose to use the degree (coefficient) of its profitability. No stage of production, supply and service should lead to the loss of planned income. The closer the value of the coefficient to 1, the more effective the implementation of the project, the higher the effectiveness of project management. This is especially important for enterprises that do not have financial assistance from the state.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-18-22

  • 4
    Goal-Setting as the Basis of the Strategy Socio- Economic Development
    Authors: L.P. Kleeva, International Academy of Organizational Sciences, Institute for Development Problems of Science of RAS, Dr. Prof., Lucy45@yandex.ru
    The article discusses the problems of goal-setting in the formation of strategies for socio-economic development of regions and the country as a whole. I analyzed the main problems of goal-setting in the formation of this strategy and considered the indicators that can be used as a key indicator of such development. The analysis of indicators of the level of economic development, as well as indicators of the standard of living of the population showed that no macroeconomic indicator can give an objective assessment of the socio-economic development of the country. A system of indicators is needed, the trajectory of the socio-economic development of the country should be assessed using a vector indicator. All indicators should be used together. Thus, the principle of Pareto efficiency should form the basis of the socio-economic development of the country, in which the growth of one indicator due to the reduction of any other is unacceptable. The conclusion is made about the inefficiency of building a strategy for the development of a region or country based on the elimination of the most acute problems of current socio-economic development. It also examines a number of indicators that can be used as a key indicator of socio-economic development, and shows the limitations of evaluation based on them. In conclusion, it should be noted that it is necessary to use a system of key indicators and ensure socio-economic development only when each of them exceeds a set level or some boundary function of its growth.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-24-31

  • 5
    Methodology for Determining Quantitative Parameters of Product Reliability
    Authors: E.А. Kozhukhova, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Kozhuhovaea@mail.ru 
    V.A. Brykin, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), benbrykin@gmail.com
    The reliability indicator is a quantitative characteristic of reliability in certain conditions and the main indicator is called, which is an integral part of the overall assessment of the completeness of the specified functions. The quantitative parameters of reliability are determined by a set of indicators. Each type of product has its own recommendations for the selection of indicators. The study provides examples of determining the distribution law of a random variable and further shows that Kolmogorov’s goodness-of-fit criterion in a number of cases gives an overestimated value of the agreement between the experimental and theoretical distributions. As a conclusion, it is said that checking by the χ2 criterion is more laborious, it is advisable to start checking the consistency of the empirical and theoretical distributions by the Kolmogorov’s criterion, and only if there are positive results, proceed to checking by the χ2 criterion.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-32-35

  • 6
    Systems for Recognizing Problematic Situations of Forming an External Environment Orders’ Portfolio
    Authors: L.B. Sorokina, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, lbs0415@yandex.ru
    The research objectives of the article is to offer an effective tool for pre-project analysis, recognition of problematic situations, formation of an external environment orders’ portfolio and to develop their solutions. I have identified the subjects of the external contour of the formation of the parent enterprise projects’ portfolio. I have proposed the approaches to the formation of a problem situation recognition system (SRPS) for the formation of an external environment orders’ portfolio. One of the SRPS blocks is on consideration. Classification principles were defined and solutions, classes and signs of problem situations were systematized. The scheme of the SRPS of the external environment and the scheme of its block operation have been developed. The relevance of the study was dictated by the need to resolve conflict situations that arise between the parent company and customers of the external contour of the project portfolio formation, increase planning efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the parent company and the corporation as a whole.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-36-40

  • 7
    Regional and Institutional Factors of the Technological Modes Evolution
    Authors: S.V. Poltorykhina, Naberezhnye Chelny Branch of PEI HE V.G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovation University (IEML), Accos. Prof. PhD, poltoryhina.s.v@mail.ru
    The process of technological modes evolution is analyzed, institutional and regional factors accompanying the change of technological structures are considered. It is shown that the evolution of economics proves the greater force of inertia of the existing economic thinking in comparison with the inertia of the real sectors of the economy. At the same time, in the process of economic science development, there is a delay in the cyclic trajectory, which creates prerequisites for subsequent cycles in the form of limited, incomplete and untimely knowledge. In the conditions of the modern economy, the instability of national markets has become obvious, which is accompanied by formal institutions that are unable to protect property from the point of view of Adam Smith’s theoretical positions, which ensured the formation of conditions for further development. Today, these positions embody the main contradictions of the stage of global capital, which violated the basic norms of capitalist behavior, which was the main economic institution of the market. It was this institution that made it possible to preserve political and economic democracy and ensure equal profits on equal capital.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-41-45

  • 8
    Real Estate Crowdfunding Market as a New Commodity Circulation Sector
    Authors: A.N. Shmeleva, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr., schmelevaanna@mail.ru
    I have analyzed the state of the real estate crowdfunding market in Russia and abroad. For the first time, the impact of the real estate market on the economy was discussed in 2007. Today, real estate crowdfunding is actively developing in most countries. Currently, many crowdfunding platforms have lowered the entry barrier for investors and have become more accessible for investment. Unfortunately, the Russian real estate crowdfunding market is just beginning to take shape. Regulatory barriers hinder the development of this market segment, although Russians are already ready to invest in mass real estate. I believe that it is necessary to take into account the experience of real estate crowdfunding abroad, the desire and willingness of Russians to use the resources of digitalization not only for the growth of entrepreneurial initiatives, but also to be able to invest in crowdfunding in their country, ensuring their financial stability and the stability of certain territories.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-46-51


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