Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 172 / 172 / 2020


  • 1
    Choosing the Best Available Technology Based on Hierarchy Analysis Method
    Authors: Z.S. Terent’eva, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Dr., terentieva.z.s@bmstu.ru
    I have investigated the problem of choosing the best available technology that is consistent with the sustainable production concept. When choosing a technology, it was necessary to compare alternative technological options, evaluate environmental, economic and social criteria indicators, which often turn out to be contradictory. I have examined and presented an approach to choosing the best technology on the example of metal, composite and basalt grids production, based on the hierarchy analysis method. The calculations showed that, using such method, it is possible to obtain information sufficient to select the Best Available Technology. This approach can be used when choosing BAT in other industries. It allows to determine which of the technologies, taking into account the logistic resource-saving characteristics, should be used for effective work. 

     DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10201

  • 2
    Electromagnetic Compatibility of Locomotive Signaling Devices and Rolling Stock
    Authors: Yu.A. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr., elizm@asms.ru 
    A.K. Tabunshchikov, Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT), Dr. 
    V.S. Kuz’min, RUT (MIIT) L.I. Kizimenko3 , RUT (MIIT)
    We have analyzed the issues of electromagnetic compatibility of automatic locomotive signaling devices and promising rolling stock, as well as sources of interference affecting the operation of the automatic locomotive alarm receiver. We propose to consider the interference scheme at the input of an automatic locomotive alarm and the equivalent circuit of inductive coupling paths for the analysis of interference from an asynchronous traction electric motor. We believe that the use of these circuits clearly shows useful and interfering inductive coupling arising between the elements of the locomotive signaling system, path and power equipment of the locomotive. By analyzing each inductive coupling this allows developing technical solutions aimed at reducing the degree of interference influence on the automatic locomotive signaling functioning. Further consideration of this issue requires determining the parameters of the inductive coupling four-poles. 

     DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10202

  • 3
    Risk and Opportunity Management System to Integration into the Management System
    Authors: V.E. Kovlyakova, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Federal Accreditation Service, Dr., sdsniir@mail.ru
    I have examined the issues of applying a risk-based approach in the activities of accredited persons for the right to carry out the work in the field of the measurements uniformity insurance, which includes verification and calibration of measuring instruments in accordance with the accreditation criteria and GOST ISO / IEC 17025–2019. I have analyzed certain positions of the standard General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories and have presented an option for implementing the requirements for risk and opportunity management in accordance with accreditation criteria. In the given article, I have emphasized that testing and calibration laboratories, metrological services have to develop and implement a risk and opportunity management system by integrating it into the QMS of an accredited person, and act based on risk management, taking into account of the specific features uniformity measurements ensuring. 

     DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10203

  • 4
    Model of Economic Agents Interaction Organization
    Authors: Zlydnev M.I., JSC Research and Production Enterprise Class, Dr., niaz_j_m@mail.ru
    I presented a model for organizing the interaction of economic agents that are part of an agents group that may arise during the implementation of certain large projects. The organization of interaction is based on solving the problem of choosing for each agent a group of preferred agents for interaction according to the criterion of maximum (minimum) collective welfare function with restrictions on the amount of income and costs for each one. Collective welfare functions may include total revenues, total costs, and the difference between total revenues and the costs of an agents group. The model I have presented allows us to solve not only the direct problem of the economic agents interaction organization, but also the reverse, that is the assessment of already organized interaction, determining its effectiveness by the required (set) collective welfare functions. 


  • 5
    Economic Rationale for the Auxiliary Industries Operation Profitability
    Authors: A.A. Seregin, FSBEI HE Orenburg State University, Dr., aasdom@yandex.ru A.S. Orozalieva, Kyrgyz State Law Academy, Prof. Dr., oakima2002@mail.ru
    We have presented a methodology for the economic justification of the auxiliary industries operation, which allows not only to choose a plan strategy, but also to adjust it on-line. Consideration of all existing factors of the effectiveness of repaired technological equipment is based on the hypothesis of their independence from each other. Although in practice the main indicators of technological equipment are interrelated, they can be neglected at the stage of a priori assessment of the repairs effectiveness. When using repaired equipment, the listed factors can be accurately determined according to production statistics. We believe that the application of the proposed methodology for evaluating the profitability of technological equipment repair will not only select the optimal work plan for auxiliary production, but also optimize the operation of repaired equipment in the workshops of the main production. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10205

  • 6
    Modern Methods for Confectionery Labeling
    Authors: E.I. Cherkasova, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 
    P.V. Golinitskiy, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Assoc. Prof. Dr., gpv@rgau-msha.ru
    Our article is devoted to the importance of modern labeling methods to preserve the consumer properties of food products, in particular chocolate and products from it. We have examined its taste, energy value, calorie content and other characteristics and listed the main defects of chocolate products that arise from violations of the production process chain, primarily at the stages of transportation and storage. We have analyzed modern ways to control these violations, including Internet resource and QR code usage, examined the advantages of this system, taking into account its availability in technical and financial aspects. We believe that the introduction of this system will increase consumer confidence and awareness, and the manufacturer and seller would be able to work more effectively with intermediaries. 

     DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10206

  • 7
    Planning Fundamentals in Construction Activities
    Authors: D. Lesova, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, less.dinara@gmail.com
    In this article, I have investigated the dependence of the construction company success on the quality of management and planning. I have analysed the types of planning and examined the negative factors of influence in order to prevent them in a timely manner, and also have examined the causes and degree of influence. I believe that for the efficient operation of an enterprise, it is necessary to plan its activities on the basis of modern principles and scientific methods. Production programme creation is supposed to be one of the main planning parts. It allows achieving a balance of plans and production capacity of a construction enterprise. Constant monitoring of external processes, analysis of the occurrence and impact of possible risks, modelling the enterprise development in case of adjusting the goals and directions of the enterprise, as well as forecasting changes in market situations are required to achieve the planning goals. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10207

  • 8
    Evaluation of Civil Servants in Ancient China
    Authors: Zh.M. Kokueva, MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, Assoc. Prof. Dr., kokueva@gmail.com 
    L.V. Alekhina, MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, invernoastra@mail.ru
    We have examined the historical background that existed in Ancient China, which allowed us to create a successful management structure. The foundation of the examination system, which became the basis for the selection of managers in imperial China, was laid in 400–337 B.C. Over the course of many hundreds of years, regardless of the political system, strategies for appointing officials have been based on this examination system. We have showed the history of its formation from the 1st century A.D. and until the beginning of the 20th century. We believe that China’s modern management strategies are still based on the traditional management approach, which, in our opinion, largely determines the economic success of China, that today is one of the flagships of the global economy. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10208

  • 9
    Laser Technology for Precision Measurement оf Long Lengths
    Authors: B.S. Mogil’nitskiy, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Novosibirsk Branch, Assoc. Prof. Dr., ats-3300-106-45@yandex.ru
    I’ve presented the methods for precision measurements of long lengths. The use of the proposed modern laser technologies can significantly improve the accuracy of measurements of large lengths by at least two orders of magnitude. As you know, the State primary standard of length (meters) — GET 2-2010 with a total standard measurement uncertainty of 5.8×10–12 meters, and a special primary standard of length GET 199-2018 with a total standard uncertainty of 2.23 microns at a length of 60 m, which corresponds to a relative error of 3,7. 10–8 . In conclusion, the accuracy values of length measurements presented in this paper are comparable to the accuracy values of reference measurements obtained under special conditions using unique devices. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10209


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