Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 3 / 144 / 2017


  • 1
    The Role of Self-Organization in the Innovative Development of Complex Technical Systems
    Authors: Prof. Dr. А.V. Leonov, Leading Researcher, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, alex.clein51@yandex.ru 
    Dr. А.Yu. Pronin, Senior Researcher, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, pronin46@bk.ru
    We have shown the role of self-organization in the innovative development of complex
    technical systems, and have examined the theoretical model of self-organization of such
    a system, and have shown that in its development the antientropic and classical entropy
    principles are equal. We have given an example of the implementation of the theoretical
    model in the process of program-targeted planning for the development of a complex
    technical system. The program-targeted planning stages and self-organization stage as
    its main elements were highlighted.
    The proposed methodology of self-organization is promising in designing, programtargeted
    planning and forecasting the prospects for the complex technical system’s
    development. We believe, it doesn’t contradict the methodology of the system
    approach, which is the traditional basis of program-targeted planning and management
    of complex technical systems’ development.
  • 2
    The Main Aspects of Technical Regulation System’s Development within the Framework of the Eurasian Economic Integration
    Authors: V.N. Koreshkov, Minister, Member of the Board, Eurasian Economic Commission, Moscow, Russia 
    А.А. Shakkaliev, Director, Department for Technical Regulation, Eurasian Economic Commission, Moscow, Russia, dept_techregulation@eecommission.org
    I have presented and analyzed the future opportunities and priorities for the
    development of the technical regulation system of the EEU, have examined the powers
    of the Eurasian Economic Commission on technical regulation, especially in the field
    of adopted technical regulations, which establish the requirements for products traded
    in the Eurasian space.
    I believe that the further implementation of the provisions of the Union's law in
    technical regulation, as well as the deepening of integration, will allow the transition
    to a new regulatory format. This will ensure a single market of safe products, all
    participants of which will be able to feel that they live in a single market with uniform
    requirements. This will also increase the competitiveness and export potential of
    producers of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.
  • 3
    Standardization — the Normative Basis for Sustainable Enterprise Development
    Authors: Yu.V. Chernykh, Senior Teacher, Deputy Head, St.Petersburg Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), y.chernykh@spbasmc.ru
    Most publications on the problems of sustainable development of enterprises
    characterize sustainability exclusively in the economic sense — through solvency,
    profitability, competitiveness, etc. In this article, I have proposed to define the concept
    of «sustainable enterprise development» through standardization tools. It is well
    known, that standardization has a direct impact on all components of sustainable
    development, therefore, its main goal is to ensure sustainable development.
    In the study, I examined the content and application of international and
    national standards that affect the main components of sustainable development,
    such as economic growth, reducing the impact on the environment (ecology), social
    development, resource saving.
  • 4
    National Accreditation System: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
    Authors: Prof. Dr. G.V. Pankina, Head of Department, Аcademy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Moscow, Russia, gvpankina@asms.ru 
    Dr. V.E. Kovlyakova, Associate Professor, Department, Аcademy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Moscow, Russia
    The issues of reforming the national accreditation system and the main stages of the
    national accreditation body and the development of the system at the present stage we
    have analyzed. Also we have identified the key positions of the legislative framework in
    the field of accreditation and technical regulations. Many tasks, defined in the Concept of
    RF accreditation system are solved. In particular, creation of uniform national system of
    accreditation and the effective legislation in this sphere. However, we believe speaking on
    the final stage of the national accreditation system reform is premature. It is at the initial
    stage of development, considering the international vector of its movement, we consider.
  • 5
    Green Economy. Improving the Institutional Infrastructure for Creating Conditions
    Authors: G.S. Nikitin, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Moscow, Russia 
    V.S. Os’makov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Moscow, Russia 
    D.О. Skobelev, Head, Bureau of Best Available Technologies, Moscow, Russia
    In this article we have discussed the following problems:
    (а) Decrease in consumption of non-renewable natural resources due to the risk of
    resource crisis. Appeal of the society to other models of economic development;
    (b) Active transition of the developed western countries to a green economy;
    (c) Ecological orientation of Russian State Policy. Transition to advanced
    production technologies, environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy in the
    next decade. Adoption of the National Technology Initiative;
    (d) The need for a waste recycling market based on innovative resource-saving
    technologies, which has all chances to become successful both in the short and long
    (e) The possibility of supporting scientific, technical and innovative activities to
    develop resource-saving technologies from the Center for Environmental Industrial
  • 6
    Best Available Techniques: Conformity Assessment Aspects
    Authors: Prof. Dr. T.V. Guseva, Bureau of Russian Best Available Techniques, Head of Training and Consulting Center, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, tatiana.v.guseva@gmail.com 
    Dr. О.Yu. Chechevatova, Deputy Head of Russian Bureau of Best Available Techniques, Moscow, Russia, olgach@ciscenter.org
    We propose approaches to forming a system of competent and independent conformity
    assessment in the field of Best Available Techniques. On one hand, such assessment
    is crucially important in procedures of granting Integrated Environmental Permits
    to major polluters. On the other hand, expert conformity assessment should become
    a part of procedures developed to make decisions on the financial support of enterprises
    aiming to improve their environmental performance and to reach requirements of Best
    Available Techniques. We reckon that over 5,000 Integrated Environmental Permit
    applications and several thousand applications for the financial support will need to be
    assessed as soon as in 2019–2024. We suggest that conformity assessment experts
    can be recruited from professional bodies specialized in Best Available Techniques,
    environmental engineering and safety. A new society of chartered experts in Best
    Available Techniques should support modern environmental reform in Russia and
    provide for the transparency of environmentally sound decision-making.
  • 7
    Constant Improvement — the Concept of the PDCA Cycles in the Context of the New Standard ISO 45001
    Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.A. Novikov, Vice-Rector, Head of Department, Quality Management, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia, nva@asms.ru 
    Dr. E.B. Bobryshev, Associate Professor, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia 
    Dr. A.I. Grishin, Associate Professor, Professional Retraining Department, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia 
    Dr. E.Yu. Barmenkov, Associate Professor, MAI (National Research University), Moscow, Russia
    Nowadays, the world community needs standards, which implementation will ensure
    a high level of health and safety at work by building effective and reliable management
    systems. Therefore, the appearance of the draft of the new international standard ISO
    45001 in 2016 was quite expected. We have reviewed the changes and have noted the
    main advantages of the new document. We have come to the conclusion that the main
    difference between the new concept of continuous improvement from earlier models of
    management systems is that now the company management must care not only about
    its own employees, but also about partners, and also take into account the impact
    of the consequences of its current and planned activities on environment and local
  • 8
    On The Methodology of the Socio-Information Services Quality Evaluation on the Basis of Information Interaction Indicators
    Authors: N.S. Shilkina, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia, a.a.streha@gostinfo.ru 
    S.A. Timofeev, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia 
    A.S. Ovchinnikov, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia
    We have presented our methodology for assessing the quality of social and information
    services based on the indicators of information interaction. We have received
    a comprehensive multicriteria assessment of such a service’s quality through the
    cumulative consideration of expert and formal approaches’ results. After analyzing
    the obtained data, we have found out that the most important criteria for assessing
    the quality of providing social and information services to the population are the
    completeness and timeliness of providing these services, the degree of solving material
    or financial problems in obtaining them, as well as non-material effectiveness /
    effectiveness of services provided to clients. We believe the introduction of the hierarchy
    analysis method allows us to justify management decisions, choose alternatives, and
    rank solutions according to the importance and urgency of implementation from the
    perspective to improve the quality of providing social and information services to the
  • 9
    Errors and Uncertainties in the Calibration and Verification of Measuring Instruments of Electrical Quantities
    Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu. A. Baryshev, Head of Department, Electrical Measurements, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia, baryshev@asms.ru 
    Dr. N.N. Vostroknutov, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia, vostrkit@yandex.ru
    We have reviewed the issues of correct perception of uncertainty. We have given
    a correct interpretation of this term and correlated this concept with the error of
    measurements taken during verification of measuring instruments. The error in the
    verification of measuring instruments is determined on the basis of single measurements
    and has a plus or minus sign. At calibrating the measuring instruments, there is a need to
    determine uncertainty, which requires the investigation of metrological characteristics
    and it is characterized by a range. It breaks the balance between verification and
    calibration. We have offered considering the conditions under which calibration results
    of measuring instruments can be used for verification and at the same time comply with
    the legal requirements for confirming compliance of this measuring instrument with
    metrological requirements. We have presented a mathematical model of calibration,
    which will formulate the requirements allowing using the results of measuring
    instrument’s calibration during verification.
  • 10
    Experimental Study of Modern Digital Measuring Devices’ Errors
    Authors: Dr. N.N. Vostroknutov, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Measurements, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia, vostrkit@yandex.ru
    In this work, I have determined that the possibility of extending a number of
    requirements of the widely known document MI 1202–86 «Digital instruments
    and measuring transducers of voltage, current and resistance. General technical
    requirements and methods of tests» on modern microprocessor-based digital measuring
    instruments is beyond doubt. However, the possibility of extending to such devices
    some of the other requirements of this document, for example, on the rules for choosing
    verified indications, needs to be checked and clarified. In this article I have presented
    the data obtained during the experimental studies of dependence of modern digital
    devices’ error on the measured quantity’s value. Appropriate changes and additions
    to the methodology for selecting the indications verified during verification of such
    devices according to MI 1202–86 are proposed on the basis of these data.

Content / Abstracts