Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 178 / 8 / 2020


  • 1
    Methodology for Collecting, Evaluating and Selecting Innovations: Implementation Perspective
    Authors: V.L. Lyaskovskiy, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Prof. Dr., dop_big@mail.ru 
    D.A. Sarkisyan, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, s.david99@mail.ru
    We have studied and solved the problem of selecting innovations for their further implementation in promising models of weapons, military and special equipment. At the same time, we took into account such parameters as the main tactical and technical characteristics of the samples and the influence degree of innovations on them, the sample type importance and possible risks of implementation. We suggested using the dissensual approach as a way to obtain expert assessments. We considered an example of the implementation of the proposed methodology.  
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10702

  • 2
    National Accreditation System: Features оf Public Services and Licensing Activities in 2020
    Authors: V.E. Kovlyakova, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Federal Accreditation Service, Dr., sdsniir@mail.ru
    I have reviewed and gave the specifics of the national accreditation body provision of public services and licensing activities in 2020, including in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. I have analyzed individual positions of the regulatory legal acts provisions, and have reflected the main approaches to remote assessment of compliance with accreditation criteria in the current environment. In connection with the complex epidemiological situation caused by the spread of coronavirus infection (Covid-19), the Federal Accreditation Committee adopted document CM N 03.1-1.0007, which defines the procedure for interaction between participants in the national accreditation system when conducting remote assessment, the format for using IT technologies, risks and opportunities of applied software solutions, and the impact they can have on the accuracy and objectivity of the information provided to ensure that the on-site assessment program is fully implemented. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10801

  • 3
    Women’s Entrepreneurship in Russia & Abroad: Development Issues Overview
    Authors: A.N. Shmeleva, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Prof. Dr., schmelevaanna@mail.ru 
    Kh. Algada, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, kholoud.alghada@gmail.com
    We have discussed the concept of women’s entrepreneurship from the perspective of Russian and foreign researchers, identifying national features and development problems. A survey of studies has shown that there are fewer differences in entrepreneurial activity between both genders than prevailing social stereotypes. We believe that an important step towards overcoming stereotypes is an appropriate state policy. This would help both women and men entrepreneurs to rethink stereotypes about business as an exclusively male sphere, on the limited opportunities for women to run a successful business, as well as expand the prospects for increasing the number of women in entrepreneurship, lead to a positive attitude of society and the state towards women entrepreneurs. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10802

  • 4
    Investigation of the Samples’ Representativeness Deviation Characteristics
    Authors: I.R. Val’shin, LLC Research and Production Еnterprise BMT, info@bmt.com.ru 
    D.I. Kudusov, VNIIR — Branch of FSUE D.I. Mendeleev VNIIM  
    S.L. Malyshev, VNIIR — Branch of FSUE D.I. Mendeleev VNIIM, Dr., ot9vniir@yandex.ru 1
    Sampling of oil during its transportation by pipelines is of special importance, since the quality indicators and physical and chemical properties of oil can significantly affect the operation of equipment at refineries. The reliability of the oil parameters obtained by laboratory analysis depends not only on the accuracy of the laboratory equipment and thorough compliance with the methods of measuring the physical and chemical properties of oil, but also on the representativeness of sampling. It is also important to comply with the required conditions and sampling methods regulated by regulatory documents. The representativeness of sampling depends on compliance with a number of conditions. So, it is necessary to ensure a uniform distribution of oil moisture content over the cross-section area of the pipeline, as well as the use of sampling devices, the design and parameters of which make a minimum error in oil sampling. We have presented the results of experimental studies of several types of standard and experimental sampling devices using a mixture of dearomatized solvent Exxsol D100 and tap water. A comparative statistical analysis of the selected samples by volume moisture content at different flow rates in the pipeline is given. We have also studied the influence of the mixing device on the representativeness of the selected samples. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10803

  • 5
    Quantitative Indicators Characterizing a Self-Learning Organization
    Authors: I.A. Kul’kova, FSBEI HE Ural State University of Ecomomics, Prof. Dr., i.a.koulkova@mail.ru 
    E.A. Kuryachaya, FSBEI HE Ural State Medical University, eakuryachaya@mail.ru
    We presented the theoretical aspects of transforming a traditional organization into a self-learning one. Based on the study of term self-learning organization various definitions and its characteristics available in the scientific literature, we have determined that there is no single self-learning organization concept, universal tools for its practical activities and generally accepted terminology. In addition, all the available self-learning organization sticks are only of a qualitative nature. The article identifies the key differences between a traditional organization and a self-learning organization, with an emphasis on organizational learning and effective human resource management. The quantitative indicators characterizing a self-learning organization are highlighted for the first time, which make it possible to determine whether a firm is a self-learning organization on the basis of statistical indicators, and to compare various organizations according to the degree of these characteristics’ development. Based on the obtained research data, we have clarified the self-learning organization concept using quantitative indicators. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10804

  • 6
    Management of Organizational Competencies. Project Activities Maturity Level
    Authors: V.V. Yatsenko, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., vika_management@mail.ru  
    I.O. Naydis, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, irinanaydis@yandex.ru
    We have presented an algorithm for developing a corporate project management standard based on a competency-based approach using an informal approach. We have also analyzed the stages of forming an organization’s competence management system in order to increase the level of maturity of its project management. We believe that only the development and implementation of a corporate project management standard based on a competency-based approach, a competency management system, and strategic management can increase the level of project management maturity in an organization. Implementation of these measures will allow it to move to a higher level of project management maturity. It is based on choosing the right behavior model, applying an informal approach to project management and integrated processes. Increasing the level of maturity of organizational project management will give significant strategic, organizational, system, economic and social effects. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10805

  • 7
    Focussing on Quality
    Authors: I.S. Pundel’, Voluntary Сertification System (VCS) All-Russian Register 
    L.A. Fedyk, VCS All-Russian Register, Dr. Prof. Dr., flarisa1961@mail.ru
    In the article, we have talked about the work of the All-Russian Register voluntary certification system at all stages of its formation — from the first steps to world recognition, repeatedly confirmed by international awards for achievements in the field of quality. The company provides a full cycle of work in the development, implementation and standardization of internal quality control systems in accordance with the requirements of international standards, adapted to the norms of Russian legislation in all spheres of life. The Tyumen Region has become a platform for the implementation of international quality management standards. The principles of the VCS are considered on the example of the District Clinical Hospital in the city of Surgut, where one of the first pilot projects was implemented to introduce international management standards in the medical institution activities. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10806


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