Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 195 / 5 / 2022


  • 1
    Further Vocational Training Educational Processes Monitoring
    Authors: O.N. Fedonin, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University (FSBEI HE BSTU), Prof. Dr., rector@tu-bryansk.ru 
    A.Z. Simkin, FSBEI HE BSTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD, simkin-bgtu@mail.ru 
    T.P. Mozhaeva, FSBEI HE BSTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD, goa-bgtu@mail.ru 
    A.S. Proskurin, FSBEI HE BSTU, proskurin@inbox.ru
    We have considered one of the conditions for ensuring the quality of training for students of educational programs of further vocational training — monitoring of educational processes. We have identified the parameters of monitoring the educational process that affect the effectiveness of this activity, including the consistency of the assessment tools (tests) used and the validity of their application in specific conditions. We have analyzed the problems associated with the development and implementation of test materials in the educational process of further vocational training. There are difficulties caused by obtaining incorrect (unreliable) information about the level of formation of the student’s competencies as a result of monitoring the FVT program development. The necessity of studying the consistency of evaluation tools used in monitoring the educational process and guaranteeing the receipt of correct information about the object of study was substantiated. We have determined the parameters that characterize the quality of the assessment tool, in particular, the validity, reliability in terms of stability and consistency of the test material. The relevance of developing a procedure for assessing the quality of test materials used in monitoring was substantiated. We argued the feasibility of using statistical methods to confirm the quality of the assessment tool. The proposed procedure for statistical substantiation of the quality of the test material used in monitoring the processes of educational activities provides the leaders of the further professional program with objective and reliable information about the level of students’ training.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-03-07

  • 2
    Dynamic Cost Management Model for the Creation of High­Tech Products
    Authors: А.V. Leonov, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute of RF Defense Ministry, Prof. Dr., alex.clein51@yandex.ru 
    А.Yu. Pronin, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute of RF Defense Ministry, Assoc. Prof. PhD, pronin46@bk.ru
    The current trend in the rational use of financial resources allocated for the creation of high­tech products requires the development of a special methodology. In this regard, we have developed a dynamic cost management model for the creation of high­tech products, which is based on taking into account the internal non­linear processes of each stage. The use of the model will make it possible to organize an interrelated and result­oriented research cycle: from fundamental research to technology and from technology to HTP products, taking into account financial and economic constraints. This model can be used to improve the methodological tools for managing the formation of a scientific and technical reserve, as well as to ensure the predictability and stability of programs for the creation of new HTP types, and reduce the risk in their implementation. Supplementing existing program control technologies (at the macro level) with new control technologies taking into account non­linear processes (at the micro level) can significantly increase the efficiency of using the costs allocated for the creation of HTP.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-08-16

  • 3
    Distribution Density of the Random Process Derivative Probability
    Authors: M.S. Batanov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI (NRU), PhD 
    V.P. Monakhova, Institute N 2 Aircraft, Rocket Engines and Power Plants of MAI (NRU), PhD 
    M.O. Romashova, MAI (NRU), 79651082719@ya.ru
    The article proposes a method (procedure) for obtaining the probability distribution density function (PDDF) of the derivative of a differentiable stationary (or pseudo­ stationary) random process with a known one­dimensional PDDF of this process. We have shown that the proposed procedure, up to a proportionality factor, coincides with the quantum mechanical transition from the coordinate to the momentum representation of the state of an elementary particle. An assumption that the ratio of the reduced Planck’s constant to the mass of an elementary particle can be expressed through the ratio of the averaged characteristics of a stationary random process in which this particle participates was made based on a detailed analysis of the differentiable random process properties. At the same time, the procedure proposed in the article is suitable for obtaining the PDDF of the derivative of a differentiable stationary (or pseudo­stationary) random process of any scale. We believe that the results obtained in this article are applicable in various branches of statistical physics, in particular, in the study of the properties of rough surfaces.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-17-23

  • 4
    Metrological Support in the System of Continuous Quality Improvement
    Authors: S.V. Kas’yanov, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, PhD (Tech.), SVKasyanov@kpfu.ru 
    V.A. Novikov, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.) 
    R.A. Yamalieva, PJSC KAMAZ
    In the second half of the twentieth century, in economically developed countries, the concept of managing the production system, based on the constant improvement of the quality of commercial products, became dominant. It turned out that the increase in customer satisfaction many times overcompensates for the increase in production costs due to increased sales. We have analyzed the role of information support in the implementation of the concept of continuous improvement. The results of the analysis showed the following. Traditionally, the basis for assessing the conformity of characteristics to requirements was the measurement / control process, which the metrological service performed without the involvement of other specialists. Today, the requirements for the quality of measurements by controlling the magnitude of deviations have increased. The measurement function has changed. Now it is performed for the sake of obtaining objective information for subsequent improvement. Therefore, the main thing is the creation and use of adequate information support in the course of production preparation, measurement planning, and verification of improvements. A metrologist today is an active member of a cross­functional team of specialists to prevent loss of project profitability.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-24-27

  • 5
    On the Accuracy of Methods for Measuring the Capacity of Tanks
    Authors: I.G. Mulenko, FSBEI HE V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University (FSBEI HE V.G. Shukhov BSTU), il-mulenko@mail.ru 
    O.V. Puchka, FSBEI HE V.G. Shukhov BSTU, Prof. Dr., oleg8a@mail.r
    V.V. Ryabko, FSBEI HE V.G. Shukhov BSTU Е.O. Puchka3 , FSBEI HE 
    V.G. Shukhov BSTU
    We have reviewed the main types and metrological characteristics of tanks, as well as problematic issues related to classifying tanks as approved measuring instruments, which are subject to N 102­FZ On ensuring the uniformity of measurements. According to GOST 8.587–2019, the tank is not a measuring instrument, however, this technical instrument must be calibrated or calibrated, although such procedures are carried out only for measuring instruments. The current situation arose due to contradictions in terms and definitions, as well as due to the difference in concepts and definitions in N 102­FZ and RMG 29–2013. Having studied the situation, we consider it appropriate to amend the regulatory and technical documentation that establishes approvals for the type of measuring instrument (tanks of all types), verification (calibration), and also develop design documentation for tanks in order to accurately reproduce the technical and metrological characteristics during their manufacture and operation. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-28-36

  • 6
    The Pandemic and the Real Estate Crowdfunding Market: Issues and Prospects
    Authors: A.N. Shmeleva, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Ec.), schmelevaanna@mail.ru
    According to the research, the global real estate crowdfunding market is one of the most competitive segments of the crowdfunding market. I have reviewed the main trends and prospects for the development of the crowd real estate market in Russia and abroad, as well as the impact of the Covid­19 pandemic on it. According to experts, the pandemic has led to a decrease in the volume of transactions in commercial real estate, as project estimates have been called into question, and many investors have taken a break. Practice has shown that the pandemic has pushed companies with non­ transparent marketing, poor corporate governance and dubious investment strategies to collapse. The domestic crowd real estate market faced difficulties even before the pandemic. Thus, the development of crowdfunding of residential real estate in Russia is hindered by certain provisions of Federal Law N 259­FZ. Experts are sure that if it were not for regulatory barriers, this market would undoubtedly become the prevailing segment of the real estate crowdfunding market in our country.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-37-42

  • 7
    Trends in Supply Chain Management
    Authors: E.Yu. Churakova, FSBEI HE Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (FSBEI HE MAI (NRU), churakova-ekaterina1@mail.ru 
    M.Yu. Kuprikov, FSBEI HE MAI (NRU), Prof. Dr. (Tech.)
    Today, the role of suppliers in procurement activities is growing, and, accordingly, a qualitative assessment of their activities is of particular importance. The production of medical devices (MD) is subjected to especially strict control. Their quality, efficiency and safety directly depend on the quality of purchased raw materials, semi­ finished products, services and, as a result, on the work of suppliers. The combination of these factors ensures the competitiveness of the medical device manufacturer in the medical device market. However, most of the standards that describe the procedure for conducting audits do not contain requirements for a second party audit. Therefore, manufacturers are forced to develop their own methods and standards governing this process. In this regard, we have developed a method for selecting and evaluating suppliers at the design stage of medical devices. The essence of the method: each customer enterprise establishes a set of requirements that provides the most acceptable audit solutions for it and the selection of an ideal supplier of raw materials. The ideal supplier will be a company that meets all the requirements of the customer enterprise.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-43-45

  • 8
    Most Significant Shipbuilding Innovations 2021
    Authors: M.I. Grechikov, VINITI RAS, PhD (Tech.), viniti@mach.ru 
    V.A. Grushnikov, VINITI RAS, PhD (Tech.), viniti@mach04.ru
    Providing about 80 % of the world trade turnover and huge volumes of passenger transportation, shipbuilding, in an effort not to lose its competitive market advantages, is constantly improving its design and technological solutions. They are based on innovations that provide leadership in the short and long term for the breakthrough development of this most material­intensive industry of engineering, which supplies water rolling stock to transport shipping and creates a defense ship potential of military seafaring powers. The nomenclature of ships and ships is huge and each of their types has design and technological features and a variety of dimensions that require in­depth research on the possibilities of finding optimized design and construction results. Let's try to evaluate their effectiveness on the example of the analysis of shipbuilding improvements available in the technical literature in 2021.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-5-46-55


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