Journal Kompetentnost': 202 / 2 / 2023
Training of Engineering Personnel and Highly Qualified Scientific Specialists
Authors: Yu.V. Doylin, OJSC Vitebskdrev, drev@vitebsk.byI.M. Groshev, OJSC Vitebskdrev, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), zymmix@gmail.comK.I. Tarut’ko, OJSC VitebskdrevA.N. Makhon’ , EI Vitebsk State Technological University (EI VSTU), PhD (Tech.), anmakhon@mail.ruI.S. Karpushenko, TRiT EI VSTUAn example of the implementation of the main provisions of the Strategy Science and Technology: 2018–2040 of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in terms of training personnel with high technical and intellectual competencies for the national economy is considered. The positive experience of creation and functioning of the branch of the department Technical Regulation and Commodity Science of VSTU in the conditions of an industrial enterprise is described. A modern engineer should be ready to make non-standard decisions, make intellectual breakthroughs, and work in constantly changing conditions. The training of such a specialist is impossible without practicing hard and soft skills in the conditions of a really operating enterprise or organization. In addition, the company, for its part, controls and influences the training process of the future engineer, setting the necessary level and number of necessary competencies. In the interaction of education, production and science, the key to solving problems both at the local level of an enterprise or industry, and on the scale of the state, is to increase the scientific and technical competence of personnel who meets the challenges of the development of science and technology, current trends in the labor market and the needs of the economy, as well as improving the international image of Belarusian education and science.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-04-11
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Evaluation of the Quality of Training During Professional Retraining and Advanced Training
Authors: A.A. Kirichenko, Kazan National Research Technological University, aleksandra-kirichenko@yandex.ruYa.V. Denisova, Kazan National Research Technological University, PhD (Ec.), yana-denisova@inbox.ruS.V. Artyukhina, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), PhD (Ec.)The quality of vocational training has recently become of particular importance for the successful training of personnel in demand by the market. We have considered the problem of assessing the quality of vocational training by educational organizations of additional professional education. We have described the problem of assessing the quality of vocational training by educational organizations that provide additional professional education through the implementation of professional retraining and advanced training programs for employees of organizations in various sectors of the economy. To this end, we have developed a set of criteria identified in the analysis of the Kazan Branch of ASMS statistical data. The first group includes those that are developed on the basis of criteria for accreditation of educational institutions. The second is the criteria for the effectiveness of training, indicators for which each educational institution can develop independently, based on its own experience and self-diagnosis. These indicators can be calculated mathematically using the differential method. With the help of the developed evaluation system, it is possible to determine the level of educational services provided, to develop ways to improve the learning process.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-12-17
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Standardization Service for Smart MachineBuilding Production in the Context of Industry 4.0
Authors: K.I. Porsev, FSBEI HE Yaroslavl State Technical University (FSBEI HE YSTU), PhD (Tech.), ram_dva@mail.ruV.A. Ivanova, FSBEI HE YSTU, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), ivanovava@mail.ruWe have considered one of the significant directions of the Russian Federation national standardization system organizational development, that is the improvement of the standardization services activities at modern industrial enterprises, and have analyzed the list of tasks solved by the standardization service at an industrial enterprise. The key role of the Industry 4.0 concept is determined as the main factor in the complex reorganization of the managing standardization activities processes at machine- building industrial enterprises. We consider it necessary to develop and implement a list of measures to adapt and develop the activities of standardization services in smart machine-building industries in the context of Industry 4.0. A list of organizational and technical measures has been developed to adapt and develop the activities of standardization services at the strategic and operational levels of modern smart machine-building production management.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-18-21
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ESG Transformation Standards
Authors: T.I. Anikienko, FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy (FSBEI HE RSAU — MAA), Dr. (Agr.)N.I. Dunchenko, FSBEI HE RSAU — MAA, Prof. Dr. (Tech.)V.S. Eliseev, O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Dr. (Law)Last few years, the world has faced serious threats and risks like climate change and environmental pollution. In this regard, the society has a need for environmental management. And during the COVID-19 global pandemic, there was also a need for social justice and effective corporate governance. The result was the concept of ESG principles (environmental, social and corporate governance). For sustainable development, a company must strike a balance between all three principles. A business that claims a good ESG score must meet development standards in three categories: environmental, social, and governance. There is no single approach to rating formation. ESG rating is formed by independent research agencies. The assessment is carried out according to one hundred point assessment, the data are taken from open sources. For enterprises producing organic products, all three components are important: environmental management and social and corporate, equally. Today, the ESG trend is relevant not only for commodity producers, but it has also spread to the investment sector. Investors are less supportive of companies with low ESG ratings. By focusing on the ESG rating, investors can avoid companies whose activities are associated with environmental risks and large monetary losses. Banks take into account the ESG rating when issuing loans. The ranking has already covered 135 Russian companies from 24 different industries. Consequently, compliance with the ESG requirements, although they are voluntary, will still have to be complied. And in the short term, it will spread to the agro-industrial complex, and we must be ready for this.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-22-26
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Cryogenic Technology: Thermal Conductivity of Structural Aluminum Alloys
Authors: A.F. Brodnikov, Novosibirsk Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), maibox@asmsnsk.ruV.I. Kondrat’ev, FSBIS G.I. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, V.I.Kondratyev@inp.nsk.suA method and a measuring device designed to determine the thermal conductivity of existing structural materials used in superconducting magnets and other cryogenic equipment objects are considered. The results of studies of the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of modern structural aluminum alloys ENAW6061 and ENAW6063 in the range from 13 to 82 K. Оbtained values of the thermal conductivity of the alloys differ from the reference data. This is due to changes in technology and the improvement of industrial equipment. The actual values of thermal conductivity obtained by us, despite deviations of 20 %, in turn help to more accurately calculate the cooling time of the product structure in order to increase thermal conductivity and increase cooling efficiency. We carried out a number of indirect measurements and found that our measuring unit can work with the smallest deviations only at small capacities of temperature regimes. For more powerful temperature conditions, it is necessary to constructively alter the measuring cell.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-27-31
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Standard Procedure for Qualification of Test Equipment: Software
Authors: A.N. Pan’kov, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), FSBI All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (FSBI VNIIMS), PhD (Tech.)M.V. Kozlov, FSBI VNIIMSWe have analyzed the market for the primary verification of household electricity meters and considered the organizations providing this service. According to the FSIS Arshin for 2021, a generalized rating of organizations — verifiers of electricity meters in terms of primary verification has been compiled. The results of the study allowed us to formulate some conclusions. So, in terms of import substitution, such an important branch of instrumentation as household electricity meters today is practically independent of imports. The considered sphere of instrumentation has an established structure and pronounced leaders. At the same time, there are signs of monopolization in the industry, as the top three control 85 % of the market. There is a growing tendency to transfer primary verification work to regional state metrology centers, as well as to create their own services for primary verification. Unfortunately, the introduction of new types of measuring instruments has slowed down, compared to the early 2000s, their number has halved.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-32-36
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A New Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence
Authors: A.V. Leonov, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Prof. Dr. (Ec.), alex.clein51@yandex.ruA.Yu. Pronin, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), pronin46@bk.ruBased on the analysis of modern ideas about artificial intelligence, two main and closely interrelated problems have been identified: the lack of clear and understandable terminology in this area; insufficient development of the scientific foundations of artificial intelligence. The basic definitions of the concepts of intelligence, artificial intelligence, hybrid intelligence and proposals for the creation of a unified theoretical and methodological base of natural and artificial intelligence are formulated. A new paradigm of artificial intelligence is proposed, based on the scientific foundations of the modern methodology of program-target planning and the theory of self- organization. The complex and interdisciplinary nature of the problems associated with the creation of artificial intelligence systems and technologies makes it necessary to further improve the scientific foundations of artificial intelligence in inseparable connection with natural intelligence and with its leading role.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-37-46
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Aspects of Successful Development of Light Industry
Authors: V.V. Grushnikova, VINITI RAS, viniti@mach04.ruLight industry and one of its constituent parts, the textile industry, are the most important segments of the modern economy of all countries of the world, without exception, designed to meet the most vital needs of the population in clothing, footwear, household materials for home improvement and support for production processes. As in any other sector of the economy, the success of the development of light industry is determined by the compliance of the areas of improvement with current demand for the implementation of trends and the efficiency of using innovations in the form of optimization design solutions in the field of machine-building support and technological measures in the very processes of implementing the manufacture of textiles, clothing, footwear and other light industry products.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-2-47-54