Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 212 / 2 / 2024


  • 1
    The Using of Artificial Intelligence in the Multilingual Educational Environment CIS
    Authors: A.V. Zazhigalkin, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), Dr. (Ec.) 
    T.T. Mansurov, Commonwealth of Independent States Executive Committee, FSAEI FVT ASMS, PhD (Law) 
    O.V. Meretskov, Academy of Informatization of Education, FSAEI FVT ASMS, PhD (Ped.), meretskov.ov@asms.ru E.S. Chervakova2 , FSAEI FVT ASMS
    The article discusses the applied aspects of the application of end-to-end digital technology artificial intelligence to create bilingual content in a digital multilingual educational environment that meets modern pedagogical and technological requirements. The review of services applicable to solving this problem is carried out in the context of existing political and technological constraints and the need to ensure the technological and scientific sovereignty of education. The potential possibilities of using bilingual content for professional training of specialists in the field of metrology and standardization, created using artificial intelligence, are analyzed. The conclusion is clear: if the user connects voice explanations in his native language (11 CIS countries) to the main channel of learning in Russian, training will become much more accessible and effective.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-03-11

  • 2
    Conditions for Implementation of the Quality Model at Polytechnic University Educational Activities
    Authors: A.V. Selezneva, FSAEI HE Perm National Research Polytechnic University, selezneva@pstu.ru
    The conditions for improving the quality of higher education at the polytechnic university are being investigated. The design of the educational activities quality model was carried out taking into account a set of influencing factors. The organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the quality assurance system of educational activities of the polytechnic university are given. To assess the effectiveness of quality management of educational activities, an organizational mechanism for managing the activities of a polytechnic university is described, including the principles of organization and management, methods for determining and achieving indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of functioning, measures for organizing interaction, observing and coordinating the interests of participants in the educational process, ways to stimulate activities.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-12-15

  • 3
    Simulation Modeling Methods in the Сoncept of the Organization’s QMS Digital Twin
    Authors: M.L. Rakhmanov, FSBEI HE Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (FSBEI HE MAI), Dr. (Tech.) 
    E.P. Bul’ba, FSBEI HE MAI, asp_bulba@mail.ru
    In some cases, the implementation of a quality management system may be partially or completely ineffective. As a large number of scientific studies show, the problems of the effectiveness of QMS implementation can be completely different. Nevertheless, a tool for the rapid identification and elimination of QMS deficiencies can help to solve many problems of effective QMS implementation. This tool helps organizations to receive up-to-date information about the problems of QMS functioning in real time. In turn, simulation has proven successful in many applications. The use of simulation modeling in a computer model of the digital twin of the QMS of an organization makes it possible to obtain information about the state of functioning of the QMS at the enterprise in real time. We have discussed the methods of simulation modeling, the concept of the digital twin of the organization and software products of simulation modeling. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-16-21

  • 4
    An Industrial Model of Spacecraft Mass Production
    Authors: A.V. Brykin, JSC Afanasyev Scientific and Production Association Tekhnomash (JSC NPO Tekhnomash), Dr. (Ec.) 
    P.V. Poleshchenkov, JSC NPO Tekhnomash 
    M.I. Lomakin, All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of MES of Russia (VNII GOChS), Prof. Dr. (Tech.) Dr. (Ec.) 
    A.V. Dokukin, VNII GOChS, Dr. (Ec.)
    The general characteristics of the industrial production model that has developed in the domestic industry are presented, the need for significant modernization of this industrial model, the creation of a new industrial model, in particular, for enterprises of the Roscosmos State Corporation, is shown, the conceptual provisions of a new industrial model for the serial production of spacecraft are proposed. In the context of the aerospace industry, focused on the creation of highly reliable spacecraft, the proposed innovations carry a complex set of problems. One of the main tasks is to maintain the highest level of quality assurance. After all, such devices require components and systems that are extremely reliable and capable of withstanding the extreme conditions of space. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-22-26

  • 5
    Quality Assurance in Planning the Сreation of High­Tech Products
    Authors: A.V. Leonov, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAS), Prof. Dr. (Ec.), alex.clein51@yandex.ru 
    A.Yu. Pronin, RARAS, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), pronin46@bk.ru
    Ensuring the quality of high-tech products is the most important task of industrial policy and a priority direction of the military-technical policy of the Russian Federation. The scientific foundations, mathematical problem statements and priority quality assurance measures in planning the creation of high-tech products are presented. At the same time, the authors pay special attention to effective modern mechanisms for solving these problems. First of all, this is the search and testing of new technical solutions and their demonstration tests, which makes it possible, at a low cost, to assess the prospects of introducing novelties into the production of high-tech products in a short time. Another promising mechanism is the holding of contests for technical projects. The system design of promising high-tech products should also pay an important role in ensuring quality.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-27-35

  • 6
    Urban Tourism as an Important Tool for the Development of Urbanized Territories
    Authors: E.L. Zadneprovskaya, FSBEI HE Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (FSBEI HE KSUPCST), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), ele-zadnepr@yandex.ru 
    N.V. Abregova, FSBEI HE Maykop State Technological University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Hist.), natali.abregova@yandex.ru
    E.V. Polzikova, FSBEI HE KSUPCST, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ped.), janepopernyak@yandex.ru
    The development of urban tourism as part of domestic tourism is studied using the example of Krasnodar. The factors influencing the development of the tourism industry in urbanized territories are listed. The activities within the framework of the approach to the organization of tourist use of urbanized territories are presented. In particular, the authors see great opportunities for such approaches in a large city of one million people (in terms of population) and propose specific directions for their development. First of all, this is the implementation of two serious tourism projects: a national-scale transport hub based on Krasnodar International Airport and a world-class amusement park that will attract transit travelers. These and other proposed innovations will indoubtedly attract new investment flows for tourism in the Krasnodar Territory. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-36-41

  • 7
    Criteria for Modeling of a Digital Reference Material
    Authors: M.A. Nazarenko, Institute of Perspective Technologies and Industrial Programming (IPTIP) of FSBEI HE MIREA — Russian Technological University (FSBEI HE RTU MIREA), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Phys.-Math.), nazarenko@mirea.ru 
    A.N. Shmeleva, IPTIP of FSBEI HE RTU MIREA, shmelyova@mirea.ru
    This article provides an overview of methods and techniques for modeling digital reference materials in the context of modern technologies and applications. The authors consider the main stages of their creation, starting with defining goals and requirements, collecting and analyzing data, selecting appropriate modeling methods and developing the model itself. Particular attention is paid to the validation and verification of the model, as well as its integration and application in real conditions. The authors devote a special section of the article to a promising method of functional modeling of a digital reference material in graphical notations (symbols system) IDEF0, designed to formalize and describe business processes. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-42-45

  • 8
    On the Organizations’ Sustainable Development Management Effectiveness Assessment
    Authors: I.I. Antonova, PEI HE Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University (PEI HE KIU), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Ec.) 
    V.A. Smirnov, PEI HE KIU, Prof. Dr. (Tech.)
    We have systematized approaches to assessing the substantive and overall effectiveness of managing the sustainable development of an organization. The results are presented as a set of outputs from the processes and activities of the organization, both those that create value and those that have a negative impact on the environment, classified according to environmental indicators. The scientific novelty lies in the separation of assessment measures in achieving efficiency goals both by increasing the value of the organization’s performance results and by reducing various types of resource provision. The practical significance lies in the possibility of applying the approach outlined in the article to assessing the effectiveness of management of any community, both in terms of positive effects and negative impacts on people and the environment.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-46-49

  • 9
    Managing the Creation of High­Tech Products Through the Government Programs’ Mechanism
    Authors: A.S. Afanas’ev, FSBEI HE MIREA — Russian Technological University (FSBEI HE RTU MIREA), PhD (Tech.), mon74@ rambler.ru 
    P.S. Zheltukhin, FSBEI HE RTU MIREA, Dr. (Tech.) 
    S.A. Monin, FSBEI HE RTU MIREA, PhD (Tech.), mon74@rambler.ru
    The existing system of scientific and methodological support for the justification, formation, implementation of programs and plans for the creation of high-tech products for various purposes, as well as monitoring the progress of their implementation, is characterized by a high level of elaboration. At the same time, a number of particular (but at the same time quite important and resource-intensive) problems of program management of scientific and technological development remain not fully resolved. One of them includes the task of improving the quality of scientific and technical state program through the use of computer technologies. We have examined approaches to the formation of a state program for the design and production of high-tech products for various purposes using computer-oriented technologies, such as classification, duplication assessment and data presentation.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-50-56

  • 10
    Scientific & Practical Development of the Algorithm for 5S Method Implementation
    Authors: D.A. Anashkin, JSC Romashin Obninsk Scientific and Production Enterprise Tekhnologiya
    The relevance of the research is due to the need to find an optimal algorithm for implementing 5S, allowing to minimize the negative aspects of the process and quickly obtain productive results. The statement of the problem is conditioned by the necessity of effective replication of the positive experience of 5S implementation in order to increase productivity, quality and efficiency of the increased order fulfillment in the defense-industrial complex. The purpose of the study is to summarize the accumulated experience of implementing 5S in the defense-industrial complex and to form a clear step-by-step algorithm of work, allowing to reduce the number of unavoidable errors and simplify the implementation of process improvements and workspace. Research methods used in the work: comparative analysis, generalization, experiments, modeling, surveys, observations. The results of the work are recommendations for the feasibility of implementing 5S, a detailed algorithm for implementation in industry with an indication of the main stages, the rationale for their inclusion in the algorithm and possible options for the passage of the process of implementing 5S in real production. In conclusions. The paper proposes a new approach to the implementation of the method of workspace organization (5S), which differs from the commonly used practice that the changes are proposed to implement cyclically with limited impact at each stage to achieve the targets.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-2-57-63


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