Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 173 / 3 / 2020


  • 1
    Expert Groups Formation Method to Evaluate Proposals for FPPI
    Authors: V.L. Lyaskovskiy, Faculty of Military Training MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, RAS, Prof. Dr. 
    D.A. Sarkisyan, MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, s.david99@mail.ru

    Evaluation of proposals for conducting fundamental research and forecasting studies allows us to determine the feasibility, feasibility and potential effectiveness of their results. We have considered the method of setting and solving the problem of assessing the competence of experts and selecting the composition of expert groups in order to evaluate proposals for conducting such research, taking into account the improved h-index, the accuracy of expert review, their experience and qualifications. We believe that this unified method allows us to more accurately evaluate and select experts to form expert groups in order to evaluate proposals for conducting fundamental search and forecast research. As a result, we get rationally formed groups of experts, whose work will potentially provide the greatest accuracy and, as a result, the effectiveness of the study in question. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10301

  • 2
    Digital Tools for the Residential Property User Value Assessment in Moscow
    Authors: A.N. Shmeleva, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr., schmelevaanna@mail.ru 
    S.A. Bezdelov, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Dr., Bezdelov.SA@rea.ru
    In the current economic conditions, the problem of the effective assessment of residential property user value, represented on the Moscow market, has become more and more acute. In the given article we have noted, that the user value of the apartment reflects the degree of satisfaction of a particular buyer with a complex of qualitative characteristics of a particular apartment. There was formed a rating of digital tools to assess the user value of residential property in Moscow. We have indicated that crowdinvesting may become an effective instrument for the investments of individuals in residential property of the capital, provided that the legal regulation of this issue is finalized. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10302

  • 3
    EAEU TR 048/2019: Sustainable Development, Energy Efficiency and Resource Conservation
    Authors: E.A. Sysoeva, FSBEI HE Ogarev Mordovia State University, Accos. Prof. Dr., sysoewa@mail.ru
    In the article, I have examined the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union TR EAEU 048/2019 adopted by the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission. This regulation is a real tool for the systematic achievement and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in ensuring energy efficiency and resource conservation, and preventing negative environmental impacts. I have cited the energy efficiency classes for various types of energy-consuming devices established in the technical regulations. Therefore, it will be possible to prevent the actions of unscrupulous entrepreneurs misleading consumers about the energy efficiency of energy-consuming devices. In the article, I have shown that energy-consuming devices would be r eleased to the market of the Eurasian Economic Union only after passing the procedure for assessing compliance with TR EAEU 048/2019 standards and the requirements of other technical regulations that apply to them. I concluded that the introduction of the EAEU TR 048/2019 will make a significant contribution to the country’s energy conservation and will contribute to the rational use of electric energy. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10303

  • 4
    Risk and Opportunity Management System to Integration into the Management System
    Authors: V.E. Kovlyakova, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Federal Accreditation Service, Dr., sdsniir@mail.ru
    I have examined the issues of applying a risk-based approach in the activities of accredited persons for the right to carry out the work in the field of the measurements uniformity insurance, which includes verification and calibration of measuring instruments in accordance with the accreditation criteria and GOST ISO/IEC 17025– 2019. I have analyzed certain positions of the standard General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories and have presented an option for implementing the requirements for risk and opportunity management in accordance with accreditation criteria. Testing and calibration laboratories, metrological services have to develop and implement a risk and opportunity management system by integrating it into the QMS of an accredited person, and act based on risk management, taking into account of the specific features uniformity measurements ensuring. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-1-0203

  • 5
    Quality Management System Efficiency Functioning. Method of Calculation
    Authors: O.A. Leonov, FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Prof. Dr., oaleonov@rgau-msha.ru 
    G.N. Temasova, FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Dr., temasova@rgau-msha.ru 
    N.Zh. Shkaruba, FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Dr., shkaruba@rgau-msha.ru 
    Yu.G. Vergazova, FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Dr., vergazova@rgau-msha.ru
    Тo assess the effectiveness of the quality management system at machine-building enterprises of repair profile, we have considered the method of analyzing the process costs. To achieve reliable results and optimize quality costs, it is necessary to analyze quality costs in four areas. We described the mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of the quality management system at the enterprises of mechanical engineering repair profile, namely the analysis of the costs of the process, which is carried out in four directions and each of them can be used independently, but to achieve reliable results and optimize the cost of quality it is necessary to analyze the cost of quality in all areas considered. Significant compliance costs and losses from non-compliance in sales volume were identified, therefore, additional measures to identify, analyze and assess the risk of non-compliance in production and corrective measures to reduce the share of costs in total sales to a value of 2...3 % should be carried out in aggregate LLC. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10304

  • 6
    Quality Characteristics Variability Assessment Due to Human Factors
    Authors: N.M. Borbats’, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., borbact@mail.ru 
    T.V. Shkolina, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Dr.
    We have developed a methodology for applying the analysis of variance to study the effect of the human factor on the quality characteristics variability. In this article, we have presented a linear statistical model of the analysis of variance and an example of the practical implementation of our methodology with justification of the results of this analysis. The results of the analysis have showed that a significant difference in the distribution of deviations of the actual size from the nominal is observed depending on the experience, the age group of the operators participating in the experiment and does not depend on their category (qualification). We remind you that the statistical model and the analysis of variance are not universal. In each case they need to be adjusted taking into account the features of the process, the variability of the results of which the influence of personnel is studied. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10305

  • 7
    Level of the Production Processes Organization and Ways to Improve it
    Authors: N.V. Barsegyan, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University, n.v.barsegyan@yandex.ru
    I have investigated the state of the Russian fuel and energy complex, the level of organization of production processes in the petrochemical industry, and development prospects. I believe that a strategy based on a cluster approach will be the best option for the innovative development of the Russian petrochemical complex today. The competitiveness of chemical-technological systems directly depends not only on the intensity and efficiency of resource-saving processes taking place within the system, but also on the ability to build external processes for the exchange of innovations, digital competencies, R&D outside the production system. The key factor in the development of production in the era of the fourth industrial revolution is not so much the raw material base, material and human resources, but the ability of production and economic systems to optimally use them when designing the supply chain of petrochemical products, taking into account the achievements of digital technologies in industry. 

     DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10306

  • 8
    Quality Control оf Phosphorus Fertilizers. Best Available Technology
    Authors: E.A. Pestryakova, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, kalgina.elizaveta@bk.ru 
    S.G. Komarova, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, skomarova@muctr.ru
    We have examined the main aspects of phosphorus fertilizer quality control. Fertilizers form the basis of the chemicalization of agriculture, being a reliable and most effective means of increasing soil fertility. At the same time, because of economic activity, and the usage of various chemicals, including heavy metals environmental pollution occurs. Many of them are contained in phosphate fertilizers. The Federal Law On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation defines the main ways of technological modernization of industry. The law obliges manufacturers to use modern, competitive, scientifically based Best Available Technology that ensure an acceptable level of risk of negative impact of economic results on human health and the environment. The Best Available Technology should be applied at all stages of the product life cycle. 

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10307

  • 9
    Bow-Tie Method and its Application in Risk Assessment
    Authors: A.I. Raimov, Kazan National Research Technological University, thisadel@yandex.ru 
    N.G. Nikolaeva, Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Kazan National Research Technological University, Dr. 
    V.F. Sopin, Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Kazan National Research Technological University, Prof. Dr.
    Using a concrete example of a risk event of a real enterprise, we have shown the effectiveness of the bow-tie method. We have identified barriers to reduce the likelihood of a risk event and the severity of the consequences of its implementation. We have carried out the categorization of security barriers, determined their functional purpose: to avoid; to prevent / discourage; to control (on the fault tree — bringing the system to a safe state, on the event tree — taking a dangerous event under control and bringing it to a safe state); to limit / reduce / soften. The complete bow-tie risk diagram providing an incomplete list of necessary documentation (incomplete product specifications) to workers in the Kazan wood building plant is presented. The bow-tie method does not require special skills and knowledge. The chart can be used to assess enterprise risks and provide information to interested parties.

    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10308


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